Tag: corona

Grand Tableau yule 2021 –

Grand Tableau yule 2021 –

For this grand tableau I use the basic card meanings of hedgewitchery cartomancy 

I put the Joker as my significator in the complete deck and placed the tableau in 4×13, leaving the last card out as a overall theme for this spread.

To keep the first reading simple, I will focus on the significator and its surrounding cards, later on I will expand on other significant cards.

First impressions

Significator-The Joker-00
Surrounded by a equal amount of black and red cards, looks balanced at first sight

Overall theme: J ♠, The Man in Black, the soldier, the spy, Tricky Dicky…this will be another challenging year, beware of the Dark Trickster!

Looking at the vertical influences on the Significator:
K – 9♣ – 00 – A♣ – J ♠: The Magister/Horned Man – Change at work – ME – spark/cave – Tricky Dicky…
The Power that be issued an edict that caused a change in working conditions, forcing me to confront a rocky new beginning in uncertain situation.

Looking at the horizontal influences on the Significator:
3♥ – 10♦ – 00 – 5♣: Abundance – Treasure – ME – exercise…
There is enough financial base for me to do the Work!


Zinnig Noord: De Dode Hoek-00 introductie

Zinnig Noord: De Dode Hoek-00 introductie

De dode hoek is een leergang die in het teken staat van onze persoonlijke en maatschappelijke omgang met de dood.


Waarom vind ik dit thema zo belangrijk?

Sinds Corona is de dood heel zichtbaar geworden in het maatschappelijke bewustzijn in het algemeen en in mijn beleving in het bijzonder.

Voorafgaande aan de pandemie had ik een gevoel van dreiging die ik niet concreet kon plaatsen, wel kreeg ik apocalyptische beelden in de droomtijd: de Fimbulwinter komt!

Rondom begin chinees nieuwjaar van de Rat legde ik de link tussen de pandemie en de Vier Ruiters van de Apocalyps.

En hun werd macht gegeven over het vierde deel der aarde om te doden, met het zwaard, met de honger, met de zwarte dood en door de wilde dieren der aarde.

Als tegenhanger van duistere beelden over de dood heb ik behoefte aan een lichtere benadering, meer in de richting van Dia de los Muertos
Kleurig, vrolijk, muziek, zang, dans…


In deze context voelt het voor mij wel passend om bezig te zijn met de personificatie van de Dood, zoals deze zich toont in de vesrchijning van Santa Muerte.
Met name de humoristische variatie van Calavera Catrina spreekt me aan!


Een andere bijzonder humoristische variant vind ik Death of Discworld


In deze context moet ik ook denken aan Carlos Castaneda:

Death is our eternal companion. It is always to our left, an arm’s length behind us. Death is the only wise adviser that a warrior has. Whenever he feels that everything is going wrong and he’s about to be annihilated, he can turn to his death and ask if that is so. His death will tell him that he is wrong, that nothing really matters outside its touch. His death will tell him, I haven’t touched you yet.’

Ping: De Dode Hoek<


Vragen over onderzoek nieuw COVID-19 vaccin – UMC Utrecht

Dit onderzoek zit al in de laatste fase….

In deze fase van het onderzoek wordt – bij gezonde vrijwilligers – de veiligheid, het optreden van bijwerkingen en de mate van bescherming van het experimentele vaccin vastgesteld.

de volgende vragen over risico’s dienen zich aan voor degene die zich wil aanmelden:

  • ‘gezonde vrijwilligers’ : in hoeverre is er  onderzoek bij mensen die een onderliggende aandoening hebben (astma, diabetes)?
  • in hoeverre wordt gelet op representatieve steekproef (etniciteit, gender)?
  • hoeveel en hoe lang is de nazorg voor de deelnemers?
  • hoe zit het met de aansprakelijkheid van de onderzoekers als een deelnemer ernstig ziek wordt tijdens of na onderzoek?
  • in hoeverre is deelname aan onderzoek te combineren met aanstaande inenting tegen covid?


Ping: Start klinisch onderzoek nieuw COVID-19 vaccin – UMC Utrecht

Grand Tableau yule 2020 part 4

In the aforementioned grand tableau, we still have to look at matters of the heart.
A♥ is quite far from the significator in the past!
Let’s look at the influences surrounding A♥
4-A♥: internal, the material foundation was good
A♥-2: external, the good energy resulted in a balanced exchange

Already mentioned…the position of Q♥:
3-Q♥-6♦: to harvest financial results, the Lady has to travel a lot.


ping: Grand Tableau yule 2020 – Dreamquest

Grand Tableau yule 2020 part 3

As shown in previous article, the querent will face challenges: much work for small profit.
Let’s look at these immediate influences around money:
Q ♥ is directly above A♦ interesting…
Looking at the box around Q ♥….
10♥-8♥-7♥: energy is diminishing
3-Q♥-6♦: to harvest financial results, the Lady has to travel a lot.
2♣-A♦-7♠: some financial help to be expected but also many expenses.

ping: Grand Tableau yule 2020 – Dreamquest

Grand Tableau yule 2020 – part 2

As visible in previous article, on the vertical axis external-internal influences, the querent is subject to external influences (the cards above the significator), and has no internal influence at all (no cards below the significator): it seems that the querent experiences forces that are out of his control.

Let’s look more into the horizontal axis past-present
Past (left side of the significator): 2♦-6♣-6♥-10♠-Q♣:
A new situation develops at work and in private, Santa Muerte enters the field.
Future (right side of the significator): A♠-K♣-5♣-2♣-A♦-7♠-6♠
The scythe signals the time of harvesting, much work for small profit, many worries, a path of thorns.

2♠ is a fitting summary of this reading: a duel, a rift, a breaking with the past.

Ping: Grand Tableau yule 2020 – Dreamquest

Grand Tableau yule 2020 – part 1

Grand Tableau yule 2020 – part 1

For this grand tableau I use the card meanings of hedgewitchery cartomancy and the Coven of Cards combined with  some methods of the new world witchery guide to cartomancy

I put the Joker as my significator in the complete deck and played the tableau in 4×13, leaving the last card out as a overall oracle for this spread.

To keep the first reading simple, I will focus on the significator and the nearest cards, later on I will expand on other significant cards.

First impression, Significator 00 is nearby the middle of the bottom row where A♠ stands at the center.
The significator is surrounded by challenging black cards!
The oracle is overall summarised by the last card 2♠, crossing swords, a duel!

A♣-Q♠-9♣: Beginning to work with the Dark Lady will change my way of Working.
Q♣-00-A♠:  The Reaping Wife gives the querent the blade to work with.

Looking at the vertical influences on the Significator:
8♠-4♠-1♠-00-2♠: Challenging meditations during lockdown will connect the Dark Lady with the Querent, who will have to confront the Guardian on the threshold.



Kipper daily reading

Kipper daily reading

7 message-27 unexpected income-34 occupation-20 judication-30home
it looks like you’ll have a surprise in its way today. When I look at this I see it might be something you were not looking forward to doing. I have the feeling it will be postponed for a while. It seems to be to your satisfaction though.
I also feel this is from the people above.
Anyhow! A good day with a relief surprise
When I see this I think of performance or project reports. 
What happened in reality? I went to the barber, several bookshops and did some unwelcome chores at home.
Actually I was involved with a project some time ago but I quit because the conditions not safe enough in the context of covid.
Maybe I will reconnect with that project later next year, maybe I have to find another project with another group.
second opinion:
Somehow, I find 5 cards for a daily reading too many cards and the “cut the deck” method is much reliable- short & sweet. Beside it is a good practice to include it in your extend it readings with all your divination cards.
I can tell first hand this method is probably at least 150 years old.
Beside your interpretation I get another layer of info that is not a mundane activity but more a subject that is very much in the querent`s mind.
There are 2 time cards that shows a permanent development will take place in the next aprox. 2 weeks related to work place and documentations will be processed with legal discussion, advise & expertise.
The change will be permanent and affect the personal situation of the querent.
7+20= documents that have a personal character,
7+27= a contract probably and chained with 34= a work contract and money that have been worked hard for,
the 27+30= unexpected legal talks and advice, etc.
You chain the cards in line and also mirroring them. What does contain the documents?
7+34+20= a work contract that is very personal and affect the private area.
What more? The documents are also about hard earned money:7+27. etc.
The time cards are: 27 & 20.

I am preparing for my pension, will have to arrange all relevant documents and cleanup my workspace.
Some legal talks & documentation might be expected to finish this job properly.
Gypsy: what about second wave COVID in the Netherlands?

Gypsy: what about second wave COVID in the Netherlands?

The soothsayer said…

The left 7 cards represent what has happened until now and the right 7 cards represent what will happen between now and the end of 2020.
Definitely struggled with this one since it is ‘medical’ but here we go: a man (Lover) with authority or in an official capacity (Officer) played by the rules/set the rules (Officer, can also be a medical professional) that declared COVID a big problem/problem on a large scale/state of emergency (Misfortune). The advice was given (Ecclesiastic) to stay home (House) and to stay around only your family members (House). This did not prevent people from dying (Death) …no idea what the Sweetheart would show here?
In the next few months there will still be a loss (or illness disappears?), people will be cared for (Widow), there will be a recovery (Journey), COVID will still be chronic (sadness) but there will be a positive upturn (gift) maybe due to a treatment (Marriage) that gives small improvements (some money)

My reading of the combos:
Lover-Officer: charming Rutte and stern Grapperhaus, played at good cop- bad cop in the media coverage on COVID restrictions
Officer-Disaster: at first, a strict lockdown caused economic disaster
Misfortune-Ecclesiastic: as a consequence of COVID, the Prime Minister became the leading consigiliere
Ecclesiastic-House: The consigliere dominated the House of Representatives.
Death-Sweetheart: Death came for many beloved ones
Sweetheart-Loss: Intimacy is lessened (because of strict rules on social distancing)
Loss-Widow: losses are to be mourned
Widow-Travel: Widows will follow the hearse
Travel-Sadness: The passing away (of people) causes sadness
Sadness-Gift: The sadness will be soothed by a gift (vaccin?)
Gift-Marriage: The vaccin will work on COVID
Marriage-Some Money: A new hope arises, tentatively


Block of 9 advise on a project

Block of 9 advise on a project

A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I =
gift-wealthy man-pathway-
unexpected income-journey-toil and labour

central theme: MESSAGE

A-B-C= concern: received an offer of a dilettant that needs much time
D-E-F= situation:  burdensome news expected
G-H-I= undercurrent: unexpected adventures costs effort

A-D-G=past: experiences with diminished gifts
B-E-H=present: the dilettant sends a message that causes a departure
C-F-I=future: a long time and effort

cross (+) = direct influences: the dilettant’s message sends me on a wild goose chase for a long time
diagonal (x) = indirect influences: timeo danaos et dona ferentes

diamond: D-B-F-H summation: hold your horses

update-second opinions from the web:
‘your project although lucrative may take a long time, will test your patience and may take the joy out of you in the process.’
‘toil & labour is a difficult card here…which means wasted effort…you will also have to wait very long for the results…’
‘As I see it on the cards – the project itself is very good — C17 + C13. Good Project / Idea but wrong time (C35 C28 C38). Advise of the cards: put the project – first of all – shelved. But dont loose the communication – C07. Communication is the central issue here. It comes to a later point in time and quite unexpectedly – C27. So be patient. Something good will come up for you later…’

Ping: Block of 9 visualised~ | The Card Lover