Tag: ghost

Tricube Tales – Weird Sisters

Tricube Tales – Weird Sisters

Some time ago, some teenage wannabee monster hunters was sent on a mission of investigation into the haunted Lighthouse…

After confronting some suspicious persons, they decided to act as judge, jury and executioner and escaped with their lives!

When the Sisters of Our Lady did some further investigation,  they performed a thourough excorcism and cleansing of the site.

Months later, some teenagers were invited to visit the Lighthouse…

What could go wrong?


Ping: Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters at the Lighthouse – Dreamquest

Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters at the Lighthouse

Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters at the Lighthouse

A week ago, a strong reality storm passed Gotham , and afterwards the sky stayed both gloomy and stormy…
The beacon of the lighthouse went out!

After af few days, four scouts rowed to the lighthouse to investigate, but they never returned….

Now another team was sent on a mission of investigation and rescue!

Jeffrey and Rudolph were reunited recently thanks to the intervention of Gatekeeper Maggie ,  this time they joined the rescue team together…

Rowing to the lighthouse during the strange weather was very challenging, just in sight of the lighthouse the boat hit a rock!

The scouts barely succeeded to swim to the lighthouse…

At the beach they were met by the crew who quickly took them inside:
Old William the senior keeper of the lighthouse and two junior keepers, Mandy and Thomas…

The keepers seemed very gloomy, unwilling to say very much:
‘a week ago, when we expected the supply boat to come, the weather was very strange, both gloomy and stormy; we heard a loud crashing and screaming but did not dare to go outside till now’

Amanda arranged some dry clothing, warm food and lodging for the scouts.
She was in a foul mood, grumbling all the time: ‘those useless men never do any housekeeping….I should have stayed at the mainland in stead of following the pipe-dream of that bastard’
Jeffrey noticed that Mandy’s right eye was bruised…
Apparently she recently had a violent row with Thomas!

When Rudolph approached Thomas, another drama was discovered:
‘She cheated on me! That dirty old man  will pay for this!’

Speaking with William uncovered some more details:
‘After mourning for Elaine for such a long time it became very lonely here till the juniors came here. Mandy is not happy with her friend, so we comforted each others for a while’

While the scouts were investigating the lighthouse, they discovered that the lighting did not work properly.
Every time when they tried to fire up the lights in the engine room, it went down again while the room  became freezing cold!
Thomas, the person who was responsible for the upkeep of the machinery, confirmed this phenomenon: ‘we have some gremlins active here’

One of the scouts heard a female voice screaming as a banshee:
‘Go away! He is mine! I will get my revenge’
It was not clear where this voice came from!


Investigating the beach, they found a body, apparently drowned a week ago after the crash…badly battered by the tides after laying a week at the stony beach…but wait…some bite marks at the neck, as if this person was bitten by something with very long and sharp teeth!

Returning to the lighthouse, the scouts heard Mandy screaming…the moment they arrived at her room the body was already laying on the floor with bite-marks in the neck!

Checking on Willam’s room resulted in the same gruesome sight…he was also killed in the same way….

The scouts decided to confront shifty-eyed Thomas….his alibi had many holes in it….: ‘I was alone at work in the engine-room and heard some screaming’

In the end the scouts decided to act as judge, jury and executioner
If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well It were done quickly’

After doing the deed, they found an old rowing boat in the cellar…
They escaped with their lives this time!

Ping: Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters in New York: The dangerous outside – Dreamquest

Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters in New York: The dangerous outside

Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters in New York: The dangerous outside

Rumors at school mentioning a group of other kids from another class going to Rogue Island:

A year ago, five students investigated the Islands, never to return!
Another newbie group investigated recently, coming back with wild stories:

The Island was really haunted….
We met the ghosts of the disappeared kids in the village, they were mostly incoherent moaning apparitions, but we also saw a shadow of a Lady in Blue.

Most houses had Rune markings on their doors, but were abandoned for a long time!

There were many strange trails of a long tailed two-legged thing with claws…

Following the trails, we arrived at a large house on the hill nearby the village.
In the cellar we found a great workplace for butchery: all kinds of large silver choppers, knives, hatchets.
During our investigation we were surprised by the return of the landlord.

Murderous mayhem ensued!
Cold Iron did not hurt the landlord, but silver worked quite well…
After receiving several wounds he disappeared in a cloud!

At last , the bound spirits of the dead were released, they followed the shadow of the Lady to the Otherworld…


Ping: Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters in New York – Dreamquest

Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters in Gotham

Tricube Tales – Teenage Ghostbusters in Gotham

The steampunk city-state GOTHAM is surrounded by the Mythago Mists since the nineteenth century, when the veils between the three worlds were lifted.

At that time the Wayne Estate founded the Scout Movement to protect the innocent.

Many adventurous youngsters have joined the movement since then.

Rudolph was one of them…
He run away from his constricting Mennonite village Hicksville to New York where he became a vagrant lost boy until Sister Bright took him from the streets to Candleville’s Our Lady Homestead for lost children.
The village baker Hilda taught him some bread-baking magic, but he was still unhappy with the rural life.
Meeting the weird girl Maggy really changed his life, she showed him several Portals.

His travel through the Machine Portal ended in him being captured till he was freed by his brother and some other friends from the Resistance.
Maggy showed back again to lead them to the portal back home, but she granted his wish ‘to go to New York’.

‘Be careful what you are wishing for’ were here last words before he entered  the portal ‘Ye Olde New York’….

Rudolph ended up in a different New York!
Becoming a vagrant lost boy again, he was taking in by a patrol of Scouts…
Now this might be the perfect life for him!

Rudolph did not say much about the initiation rite of the Scouts; ‘it was weird!’

Ping: Tales from the Loop: Bugs in the Loop!Something loopy this way comes, feel it in the pricking of thy thumbs… – Dreamquest

Hunting with the White Wolf

Today I felt the presence of Wolf very strongly…

For years I have been avoiding the Spirits, kept them at a distance.
Confucius had said,  “Respect ghosts and spirits, but keep them at a distance” (Analects 6:20).
I was afraid of losing control, being taken over by the Other, afraid of the sacrifices that They were asking.
But at last I gave in, made my peace with my old fears.

Today I answered the hunting call of the White Wolf.
Yeah, we hunted together!
It seemed I rode a white horse, carrying a lance, wolf-mask on my head.
Soon we hunted down a shadow-spirit, my lance nailed the thing to the ground, my sword hacked it into pieces.
The thing had many dark tendrils attached to its victims, sucking their energy with sweet lies.
Bright Sword cut through the threads  one by one, burning the threads into nothingness.

The hunt was quick and brutal, the Spirits were ready to depart to their next tasks…

I give thanks to  my helpers and guides from the three worlds.

Thank you: White Wolf, Bright Angel, Guardians, Ancestors!

The circle is open but yet unbroken,
Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again!
see also: Following the call of the wolf | Dreamquest

Ghost/Echo: The First Run reloaded

Ghost/Echo: The First Run reloaded

One of my players, Niek Ooijman, sent me some feedback on the session

I’ll put my comments in brackets:

1. please use printout character cards instead of handwritten, to avoid reading problems.
(comment: alongside the printout of Ghost/Echo rules, I wrote on index cards the name of the character & 2 skills).
2. if new players register at the last time, sent them mail beforehand, instead of writing only on the meetup site. ask them to think about the character they want to play.
(comment: until the very last day I had only one subscriber, we already had extensive mailing ongoing on the subject; the rest subscribed on the same day, too late to sent them mail)
3. danger check: a high roll is always better? It is better to change this: if rolling for danger, higher means more “danger”. Getting a 5 or 6 when rolling for danger means real trouble.
(comment: this is a matter of taste)
4. The goal/danger system is asking a lot of player-creativity , it is annoying to have to state a danger for each goal, that slows down play. In the games I know, the GM tells the player all about the dangers.
(comment: this is a typical old-school conditioning)
5. there was some lack of “supernatural elements”
(comment: this scenario was meant as a foreshadowing of the Shadowrun era, the supernatural still has to intrude into the world, but it was possible to Listen for Echo’s of the supernatural)
6. The skills were too minimal
I have some doubts on the claim “quick play”, there still a lot of work to do on the system.
(comment: the player did not take enough time to read the ghost/echo page)

My observations:
The Game has to be worked out, as stated in the two pages

I was thrilled by the minimalistic setting & rules, a refreshing experience after so many years of D&D tables & rule-lawyering.
The indie-press rpg-community consist of some high-level roleplayers, ‘quick-play’ has to be seen in that context : 2 page rules with bare bones, the rest to be expanded with existing GM skills!
No so user-friendly for newbies, but at the other side: the experienced/brainwashed D&D adepts will have serious adaptation troubles!


The Government was unwilling to dirty their hands in a backwater Balkan state, so they used some intermediaries to contract the Black-op branch of Orpheus corporation.
If anything went wrong, the whole operation was deniable as usual, the spindoctors would call it a terrorist strike of the separatist.
Coil, Grip, Hull and Vixen discussed their strategy for the job.
It sounded like an easy one: extricate Herr Professor alive (preferrable) or dead to insure the Opposition will never again have access to his theoretical knowledge of Matrix-construction.
He was temporary held at a secret interrogation camp, waiting for transfer to the headquarters of Herr Colonel.
Simple plans are the best, and victory goes to the bold;
The idea was to ‘borrow’ a chopper of the Opposition; flying under false colours it should be possible to infiltrate the interrogation camp.
Well…a battleplan never survives the first shots…
They found a…

View original post 240 more words

Volle maan, eclips november 2012

Volle maan, eclips november 2012

Een paar dagen terug ging ik met een vriendin naar een kringloopwinkel; meteen bij binnenkomst viel mijn oog op een bijzonder krachtig wayang-pop: Duhsasana! Felblauwe ogen, rood aangelopen gezicht, stevige snor en baard, een echt demonische kop.
Meteen beetgepakt en bij de kassa apart laten leggen, hier moest ik iets mee!
Tot nog toe had ik alleen poppen van de ‘goede partij’ , de Pandawa, dit was de eerste Kaurawa. Kennelijk moest ik aan de slag met mijn Schaduw.

Later werd me meer hierover duidelijk:
Ik had een paar weken terug via internet een afspraak gemaakt met een vrouw die mijn interesse wekte, na wat heen en weer mailen was al een principe-afspraak voor een bepaalde datum gezet.
Maar toen het een week duurde voor definitieve bevestiging van afspraak, rook ik al onraad en mailde ik of ze nog wilde afspreken.
Wat bleek nu: ze kende mijn ex-vriendin, en ‘wist hoe we uit elkaar waren gegaan…het voelde niet goed om de afspraak door te laten gaan’.
Nu wist ik dat mijn ex-vriendin op sociale media uitgebreid haar verhaal over onze soap uit de doeken had gedaan, maar het viel me wel tegen dat ik nu op deze manier zonder toepassing van hoor en wederhoor in de kou werd gezet.
Ik heb meteen mijn correspondent van repliek gediend, dat ik deze gang van zaken wel bijzonder kwalijk vond!

In die nacht het ik een stevig gesprek gehad met mijn Daemon, die ik visualiseerde als Duhsasana.
Hij verbeeldde mijn woede en gekwetsheid.
Hij bracht me in de verleiding om een gremlin te sturen naar mijn correspondent en mijn ex-vriendin, maar wist me gelukkig te beheersen.

Later in die nacht kreeg ik een droom: ik was bij een groep (Engelen? Ze waren in ieder geval gevleugeld en in het wit) die aan Engelenhealing deed, ze omringden me en genazen mij en mijn Daemon.

Ja, de volle maan eclips heb ik goed kunnen voelen!

Setting of the Fifth Black Sun

“December 21, 2012 will be the most important date for all of Humanity. The ancient Mayans created the Long Count calendar to mark this date as the beginning of a new cycle for Mankind.” Anonymous

What if…
The wild-eyed cultist are right…up to a certain point?
Something changes in 2012,,,
the stars are ‘right’, depending on whose viewpoint: if Rlyeh arises from the ocean, the Ctulhu-cultist might rejoice, or maybe not…
…the Veil between the Worlds are rent asunder, and the Dead will outnumber the Quick…
…the Star-People revisit Gaia to evaluate the Human experiment…
…Hailey’s planet strikes home at last…
Who knows?
Maybe HE nows, maybe not (Rig Veda)
But before the Great Change comes, it will be foreshadowed by small changes:
Weird tales, Anomalous Phenomena…
Reported sightings of UFO, ET, ghosts, and other things that go bump in the night.
Ghost/Echo: The First Run

Ghost/Echo: The First Run

The Government was unwilling to dirty their hands in a backwater Balkan state, so they used some intermediaries to contract the Black-op branch of Orpheus corporation.
If anything went wrong, the whole operation was deniable as usual, the spindoctors would call it a terrorist strike of the separatist.
Coil, Grip, Hull and Vixen discussed their strategy for the job.
It sounded like an easy one: extricate Herr Professor alive (preferrable) or dead to insure the Opposition will never again have access to his theoretical knowledge of Matrix-construction.
He was temporary held at a secret interrogation camp, waiting for transfer to the headquarters of Herr Colonel.
Simple plans are the best, and victory goes to the bold;
The idea was to ‘borrow’ a chopper of the Opposition; flying under false colours it should be possible to infiltrate the interrogation camp.
Well…a battleplan never survives the first shots…
They found a hidden chopper on a hidden part somewhere in the woods, guarded by a single watchtower, a typical Opposition-setup for a covert-operation camp.
Coil took out the main tower with his rocket-launcher, Grip sprinted to the chopper while the rest gave covering fire.
Some surviving guards stormed out of the tower, but were taken down by a frontal grenade and some flanking fire. The grenade caused some collateral damage in the tower, soon it started burning!
Grip discovered the chopper was out of fuel…
Hull entered the burning tower twice: the first time to secure a single drum of fuel, the second time he was out of luck, something exploded…Hull was blown outside by a fireball!
Badly hurt, Hull was carried by the rest to the chopper to escape the towering inferno.
They decided to push their luck to finish the job.
Boldly they flew the chopper to the interrogation camp.
Vixen fast-talked the ground crew and the commander Herr Colonel to refuel the chopper and to transfer the prisoner.
On their way to home-base, they were intercepted by two Opposition choppers.
Grip tried to channel the ghostfield, hoping to jinx one chopper, but received a migraine instead.
With some luck Coil was able to take down the interceptors with his rocket-launcher!
Returning to home-base was a bit tense, their chopper was almost taken down by friendly fire before Vixen was able to get through to the right channels.
Ghost/Echo: Pathworking the Ghost Worlds

Ghost/Echo: Pathworking the Ghost Worlds

The Ghost Universe consists of several Ghost Worlds, each
interconnected by Datastreams (Echo-Paths).

Travelling the Datastreams is a specialized skill: by channeling the
Ghost Field, some adepts can open temporary Gates to the Paths.

Using the Major Arcana (e.g. Amber Trumps) is one of the many possible
ways of Pathworking!
Other Traditions use: Tattva Symbols, Hermetic Seals, Bagua, etc.

A Grip who is specialized in Listening at Echoes, has the skill to
detect functional Paths.
Every method has its own risks….