Waar ben ik mee bezig?

Waar ben ik mee bezig?

Op zoek naar het wonderbaarlijke, ontmoetingen met bijzondere mensen’

Op zoek naar het wonderbaarlijke
Mijn queeste op het pad van persoonlijke zingeving:
Onder de vernis van Protestantisme, ervaar ik een diepe onderstroom van chinese en javaanse
Toen mijn speurtocht begon in Nederland, was slechts New Age en Europese spiritualiteit op de boekenplanken te vinden, Taijiquan en Yoga in buurthuizen; pas later kwam ik weer in aanraking met bredere ontwikkelingen uit overige delen van de wereld, met name shamanism:
Native American

Ontmoetingen met bijzondere mensen
Diverse ontmoetingen met mensen die mij inspireren:
Naast de inspirerende verhalen van mijn vader, heb ik veel geleerd van leraren Taijiquan & Qigong en boeken/leraren uit de chinese traditie (Confucius, Mencius), naast boeken/leraren in de westerse spiritualiteit (Gurdjieff, Regardie, Starhawk), als overbrugging ervaar ik core shamanism (Harner) als een uitstekende ‘brug’.

In deze fase van mijn leven definieer ik mezelf als spiritueel humanist.

“Most precious are the people; next come the spirits of land and grain; and last, the kings”

Belangrijkste actuele inspiratiebronnen:
Mencius met betrekking tot het vormen van humanistische samenlevingsvorm.
Modern shamanisme met betrekking tot rituelen.
Reclaiming met betrekking tot politieke actie.

Lopende projecten:

Art journal/Kunstdagboek


Happy Stones/Geluksstenen




Zingeving in Beweging

Afgerond project:


Gotham Tales: Magicks & Machines

Gotham Tales: Magicks & Machines


The High Priestess of the Clockwork Cult fell from the skyship…
while the victorious teenage  ‘Guardian Angels’ celebrated their success, the High Priestess activated her enhanced clockwork cloak to glide away, but her flying device malfunctioned!


Hooded cult members carried the body away to their hideout, it seemed The High Priestess will survive this defeat to return another time!

…meanwhile some adventurers who survived the mythago invasion gathered information on Leonardo automata.

“Da Vinci had the right idea but not the right materials”
Visiting the library, they had some trouble with the janitors who resented their ‘disruptive’ discussion and research actions.
With some luck they discovered interesting symbols in a book mentioning golems!
They continued their research with visiting a Qabalist
“Erasing the magick symbols of a golem will destroy the entity”

The adventurers remembered using a portal to the netherworld for information.
“Lets do this”

This time the portal delivered the adventurers to the realm of the MachineGod!

A confusing realm with border-wars between automatons  and mages…

After some confrontations with automatons, the adventurers found their way to the regent of this place: Lady Mechanica!
The Lady showed the way…

to a guarded portal!
After a hectic combat the guardian was defeated, now the adventurers were free to return to Middle Earth!





Lente equinox 2024

Lente equinox 2024

Donarsdag:  vooruitlopend op de equinox kreeg ik een droom…
Ik deed mee aan een Winti-ritueel, maar kreeg het gevoel dat ik voorzichtig moest omgaan met dit type rituelen…
Voor de tweede keer gaf ik een openingsritueel tijdens
Death and Rebirth festival in het TreeHouse NDSM.
Het weder was maarts druilerig, de beschikbare ruimte was donker en koud, de energie voelde zwaar aan.
Deze keer voelde ik de behoefte om het ritueel minimalistisch te doen met eenvoudige materialen: vier kaarsen op de kwartieren, een kaars met rituele voorwerpen (mes, vajra, bokaal, schotel met brandende salie) op de centrale tafel.
Ik begon in het Noorden, stak de kaarsen op de kwartieren aan,  en liep deosil de cirkel rond om de ruimte te reinigen en afbakenen. De kaars in het Noorden deed wat moeilijk, de rest ging wel.
rekening houdend met het gegeven dat na mij vrij snel in dezelfde ruimte een heftig trancereis (door het wiel van de dood) zou komen, deed ik met de groep een aantal basis-oefeningen:
Aarden, centreren, aanroepen van bescherming van de lichtwezens uit de vier windrichtingen en tevens hemel en aarde.

Na dit ritueel was ik helemaal uitgeput, het kostte heel veel energie om in deze setting het Licht aan te roepen!

Lenteviering met eco-humanisme in de tolhuistuin, een warme open lichte ruimte!
Het ritueel werd geleid door een leerling-celebrant en deze keer  werd er gelukkig ruimte gegeven om buiten (tussen de buien door) de lente (geur, kleur, geluid) in de tuin te ervaren!
voor deze lente is mijn thema: uit winterslaap van de cocon komen, wedergeboorte.

Na dit ritueel ruimte gevonden voor  uitgebreide lunch en napraten met mijn gesprekspartner.

Thuisgekomen voelde ik geïnspireerd!



Gotham bastion under attack

Gotham bastion under attack

Some members of the Guardian Angels’ vigilante group were enjoying R&R in the community center where the Sisters of Our Lady  offered some soup and bread to the needy.

A Chinese New Year Parade passed by…
After the passing of the parade, the vigilantes went to the streets..

Suddenly they  were aware of a sound of screeching and wailing…a flock of birds was attacking a small child!
“Angels Assemble”…the vigilante came to the rescue, chasing away the evil birds!

Where are these clockwork birds coming from?

Rumour on the street mentioned a gathering of birds at the temple of Electra
Investigating the temple, looking at the four Karyatids
Looking at the amber eyes, one of the kids tried to steal one..

Apparently some alarm was triggered…
A flute playing priestess arrived and summoned birds to chase away the intruders!
The vigilantes retreated to an office nearby…
The caretaker of the place provided them the clue to speak with ‘Mister Night S.’ the director of the current theater drama ‘the Arrival‘ 

Sneaking out of the office, meeting ‘Mister Night S.’  who apparently was the guardian of the small boy that was attacked by the birds, he was able to give more clues:
Go to the Wang Triad, they know how to fight the evil birds!

Meeting the Elder of the Wang Triad went quite well…

“The master of the evil birds hides in the cloud-castle in the sky…”

“We will summon the Dragon-energy and arrange an all-out attack against their cult-members in the city, then you can surprise their garrison|”

The Wayne corporation provided a sky-ship, the Wang Triad, lent them some of their crew ..
Battle ensued on the streets, the vigilantes captured a leading priestess and boarded their sky-ship while the Wang Triad fought the Thunderbird Cult…

Using the captured priestess flute, the vigilantes chased away the Thunderbird, surprised the High Priestess in the Cloud Castle and destroyed the doomsday clock!
The vigilantes escaped with their lives while the explosion went off…
Yule 2023 cartomancy

Yule 2023 cartomancy

Q: “please tell me what I need to know and share”

A: (adapting hedgewytchery cartomancy):

Putting down a 54-cards Grand Tableau, using the Joker as Significator.

First impression:
The Significator is standing in the last quadrant bottom right, almost leaving the tableau, ‘there is not much you can do’.
Looking at the 3×3 Significator quadrant:
Left/past: 3♦-J♦-3♣: fountain-jack shepherd-birds. spirits were watching your house
Above/inspiration: 3♦-7♦-9♥: fountain-planets-wish. the heavens are giving you inspiration
Below/grounding: 3♣-J♥-A♦:birds-jack flash-letter. you have to document your insights
Right/future: 9♥-2♣-A♦: wish-agreement-letter. you have to manifest your wishes in the material world

The last card left standing: Q♣ “The Reaping Wife”. keep on the good work!

Summary: You can still have limited influence in your personal life.

Mythago World : shards of history

Mythago World : shards of history

Chapter 1 in Lady Fox Grimoire

The Master of Ravens said:
I can teach you nothing new at this moment…take up your visionquest into the world of Men…
Remember our compact with Ravenqueen!

And so, Foxy Lady went out of Faery into the world of Men…

Chapter 2 in Lady Fox Grimoire

Remembering the last temple of Earthshaking Sealord, high up the Great Mountain…
The faithfull, who fled the wrath of the Sorcerer-King, made their last stand.
Lightning smote their ranks, but still they stood firm…

Unable to stand the strain of eldritch energies, the Land broke apart, the Sea invaded, all were scattered to the corners of the Earth…

Chapter 3 in Lady Fox Grimoire

the Land broke apart,
the Sea invaded,
all were scattered to the corners of the Earth…

Downwards into the Deep
Skyclad, unarmed, alone
Unto a lonely barren path

Voices of lost souls
Visions of forgotten realms
Passing away in the Void

Clad in in Night and Shadows
The Dark Lady awaits
On her Opal Throne

Unspoken Words
Unseen Sights
Were given

Mythago World Genesis:

Ages ago in the time before Time, the Wars of the Gods escalated…
Gods fell from the Heavens as falling stars.
Daemons rose up from the Hells, shaking the foundations of the Earth.
The Veil between the worlds was torn asunder…
And the Fae returned to Middle-Earth.
Now the powers of the Gods and Daemons are silent and exhausted after the Wars, and the Glamoury of the Fae shines all over the World.
Magick has become chaotic and unpredictable after the GodsWar…a spell that fizzles or botches always have ‘interesting’ effects.
After the Gods War, the Powers became silent.
Most people acknowledge the Powers as a given force of nature, only some shamans keep the old traditions of sacrificing to the visible Powers:  Sun, Moon, Stars, Gaia, Fire, Water, Earth, Air
Many humans left their broken cities, becoming nomadic tribes.

Tales from the countryside:

Teenagers, investigating the mysterious…whatever could go wrong?
Solving the disappearing of several teenagers during the years, confronting a hungry entity, heralding the loss of old traditions…

Travelling between and betwixt:

Escaping Hellhounds, entering the Crystal Cave, the gate to the Fair Lands
Getting in was easier than getting out!

Wandering the streets of Gotham:

Things are not what they seem, clockworks disguising as humans!
Uncovering the enemy within, beating back the clockwork invasion.

There are Doors…

Rudolf was acting suspicious again, sneaking away after lunch….
Jeffrey gathered some friends to follow the tracks of his weird brother!
Arriving at a clearing in the woods they followed the tracks into a cave, finding some strange signs leading deeper inwards….
Entering the Machine Realm!
Supporting the Workers Revolution, battling the clockwork menace, escaping through the Portal…

Joining the Wayne Boy Scout movement:

The steampunk city-state GOTHAM is surrounded by the Mythago Mists since the nineteenth century, when the veils between the three worlds were lifted.
At that time the Wayne Estate founded the Scout Movement to protect the innocent.Many adventurous youngsters have joined the movement since then.

Exorcising a haunted house

A year ago, five students investigated the Islands, never to return!
Another newbie group investigated recently, coming back with wild stories
At last , the bound spirits of the dead were released…

Recovering the Fire in the Lighthouse

A strong reality storm passed Gotham , and afterwards the sky stayed both gloomy and stormy…
The beacon of the lighthouse went out!
A vengeful ghost haunted the lighthouse and had to be appeased by uncovering a murder…
In the end the scouts decided to act as judge, jury and executioner
After doing the deed, they found an old rowing boat in the cellar…
They escaped with their lives this time!

The Lighthouse revisited:

Three Sisters of Our Lady  performed a thourough exorcism and cleansing of the site.
Months later, some teenagers were invited to visit the Lighthouse…
What could go wrong?
Junior was in her last stage of pregnancy, so Mom escorted her to mainland while Granny stayed at home, feeling not well.
While Granny laid unconscious on her bed…
The bright beam of the lighthouse showed in the distance a hulk approaching from the dark North…the White Ship crashed on the beach!
With some luck the teenagers fended off the  Undead Captain till reinforcement came!

The Outer Reaches of Gotham:

What happens outside the bastion of Gotham, where the privileged kids play at being wannabe guardian angels?
Several outcast banded together to create a safe space, becoming a cult.
A delegation from mainstream society decided to investigate the cult, armed men in black arrived in the community.
They convinced the cult-leaders to come to Area 51 for further negotiation.
The compound was heavily guarded and fortified, and outside the perimeter were many hovels built by refugiees.
The cult-leaders were given a tough choice: working under jurisdiction of the men in black, allowing the influx of refugees in the community, otherwise the cult would be hunt down as being heretic.
In the end the cult-leaders complied, hoping to be able to keep their ideals within the new administration.

Mythago Invasion in Gotham:

‘Mister Johnson’ delivered his instruction to some members of the vigilante ‘Guardian Angels’ who were aware ‘something’ weird changed in Gotham while most ‘normal’ people reacted as if ‘business as usual’.
They evaded Clockwork Knights, entered Gotham Below to hunt the Evil Wizard Aleister.
Investigating Gotham Below…the energy system is deteriorating, the lights are flickering…
The situation became dire, the main engine room sounded the alarm!
Run! There is the tunnel to the escape pod!
While the mayor tried to escape he was tackled by the adventurers and fell overboard…
They escaped Gotham Below!

Gotham bastion is under attack!

Another division of the vigilante ‘Guardian Angels’ confronted the invasion of clockwork birds.
With the help of the Wayne Corporation and the Triads they were able to destroy the Thunderbird sky-castle.
The high priestess fell down from the castle, but did she survive?

Gotham bastion under attack


Gotham: Magick and Machines
…meanwhile some adventurers who survived the mythago invasion gathered information on Leonardo automata

“Da Vinci had the right idea but not the right materials”
Visiting the library, they had some trouble with the janitors who resented their ‘disruptive’ discussion and research actions.
With some luck they discovered interesting symbols in a book mentioning golems!
They continued their research with visiting a Qabalist
“Erasing the magick symbols of a golem will destroy the entity”

The adventurers remembered using a portal to the netherworld for information.
“Lets do this”

This time the portal delivered the adventurers to the realm of the MachineGod!

A confusing realm with border-wars between automatons  and mages…

After some confrontations with automatons, the adventurers found their way to the regent of this place: Lady Mechanica!
The Lady showed the way…

to a guarded portal!
After a hectic combat the guardian was defeated, now the adventurers were free to return to Middle Earth!

Gotham: Mythago invasion

Gotham: Mythago invasion

‘Mister Johnson’ delivered his instruction to some members of the vigilante ‘Guardian Angels’ who were aware ‘something’ weird changed in Gotham while most ‘normal’ people reacted as if ‘business as usual’.
“sometimes the world goes black and white and everything seems to flicker, like a strobe light flashing just faster than the eye can register…When the Flicker Effect starts, strange things often happen. They may be subtle or they may be screamingly obvious, but they usually involve some intrusion, arriving out of nowhere, from the alternate realms”

…some weird sightings …:

Clusters of clouds gathering as if having a conference.
Dreams manifesting on the rooftops.
A statue of goddess Elektra.

Mechanical birds

Mannikins with pointy hats and sharp swords parading fashion district
…some rumours about Gotham Below..:
An ancient cult practicing dark rituals.
Disappearing cats.
Chaotic plumbing.
A stargate.
Tricky Shib, Shining Azoth, Arty Cassy, Kiddo Ralph gathered at their Treehouse in the park. 
Suddenly ‘something’ crashed on top of the tree!
Shib shape changed into cat to investigate and found a vaguely flickering humanoid person, but as soon as he touched the person, it fell down the tree.
It seemed unharmed but unconscious!
After some care, the person came by…
‘I Rhl fell down from the Heavens because an evil wizard bound me with his summoning!’
The person was still very confused, difficult to understand.
After a while it wandered off, singing to a magic egg in its hands, at last it started fading into distance.
Following its trail, passing an old woman sitting at a street corner..
Asking her for information, receiving some small blessings and a gift…
Now Arty Cassy carried the Magic egg!
Looking for more clues, joining an Free Mason information meeting…
Aleister the wicked is hiding in Gotham Below!”

Leaving the gathering, walking on the streets, suddenly burning paper lanterns fell down!
Fleeing the fire, going to the market, where a squad of Mannikins with pointy hats and sharp swords were parading…
A lone mechanical bird flew down to a Mannikin and started twittering in its ear.
Suddenly the Mannikin pointed their swords in the direction of the investigators…
Melee and total chaos!

Surviving the battle, continuing looking for clues in the library, finding a vague reference about a legendary hidden Stargate.

Decyphering the clues, finding and entering the gate…
Into Gotham Below!
The lights are failing, what’s wrong with the Generator?
Several workers are busy fixing cables and turning the wheels…
“Och, the engines cannae take it Captain!”
Steam and sparks escaping from the machines…
‘Where is the mayor?’

The investigators went searching for the mayor at his office, but it seemed he left !
“Lets go back to the Gate!”
“It is not there anymore!”
“Quick, maybe there is some more information at the Library!”
Department ancient historical maps:
“Here, at the other side of this place, a hidden gate”
The lights are dimming fast, heavy tremors shake the buildings…
“Look! Somebody opened the hidden gate!”
A long corridor ending at an underground river…
“Quick! He escapes with the boat”
Charging the boat about to escape, grappling with the Mayor…
He fell overboard while the boat sped up downriver!

At last the adventurer escaped, but where did they end up?


sMOTHER the earth workshop

sMOTHER the earth workshop

‘Create talismans to channel the power of love and care to manifest a better future’

Rachel facilitated this workshop at NDSM Treehouse on a cold and rainy day.

Confronting my fears, writing down anything that comes up, switching into automatic writing mode.

Santa Muerte dancing in the killing fields

A strong image wraps all those words into one visual:

Confronting my fears, letting it go in bits and pieces, let it dissolve in the waters from the World.

You will have no hold on me
So mote it be!

Doing the work on the Talisman…

Work in progress…

A finishing touch: three safety pins to affirm the intention to create safe space for those in need!


MRI Dreams

MRI Dreams

There you go…

Relax, listen to the music, count your breath…
Some nice ladies will put a blanket over you to keep you warm…

Feeling like a glass coffin…

Dream your travel to Avalon…

Let it all go…

I sing in the shields, | and in strength they go
Whole to the field of fight,
Whole from the field of fight,
And whole they come thence home

(Havamal 157)

Bear spirt appears!

The bear puts both arms around the tree above her
And draws it down as if it were a lover



Angels in Gotham 

Angels in Gotham 

Some refugees from the Haven met again at Gotham
Esther ‘the Strange’, Gabriella ‘the Aeronaut’, Ralph ‘ the Tinker’, Justin ‘the Clown’… a bunch of misfits that bonded because of common dreaming Paradise Lost

Words on the streets: the teenage vigilante group ‘Guardian Angels’ disappeared a month ago, what happened?
According to rumours, the vigilantes went missing during the  hunt on spooks in the woods.
Any threat that was able to destroy these vigilantes, made other gangs very nervous also!

Gathering information in the slums, they convinced  vagrant John to show them the last known ‘Guardian Angel Treehouse’.
Graffiti on the wall confirmed the location!

The house apparently had been used by squatters: broken windows and door outside, terrible amount of garbage and offal inside…
Surprise! A vintage carpet in the centre of the room, hiding a secret trapdoor!
Neutralising some hidden sigils, unlocking the trapdoor, going down a spiral staircase, entering a long corridor with warding sigils…
Discovering a savage tribe!

Gabrielle made an impressive entrance with spread wings and some firework support from the Clown: instant shock and awe, chasing the  tribe away!

Following the trail, arriving at a guarded bridge, paying the toll…

Entering a mysterious room, looking at three paintings: past-present-future!

The futuristic painting drew them into another place…

A room with several alien prison cells, containing several teenage vigilante ‘Guardian Angels’!

While the adventurers were liberating the vigilantes, they heard ominous footsteps approaching ….

Talos is coming!

Esther prepared her sigils, Justin lit his fireworks…

The explosion halted the monster!

Escaping the monster, the adventurers escorted the vigilantes through the underground maze…
Discovering a gate, but how does it work?

Justin found a loophole in the timetravel-paradox:
‘This is a time/space gate we can walk through to our own time, there we can write a letter to ourself how to do this, then we return to this place to hide the letter here to find it now!’

It worked in a way…

‘We are back, but what happened really? Who abducted the vigilantes? Why? Who created the gate? ‘


Ping: Flight  to Gotham – Dreamquest

Herinnerdingen 01…vervolg…

Herinnerdingen 01…vervolg…

Guan Yu (krijger-literaat) :  beschermheer van krijgers en literati,  lijfwacht van Guanyin

Guan Yin (godin van wijsheid en genade):  toen de missionarissen naar China kwamen, werd Maria herkend als verschijningsvorm van deze godin.

Tokeh (gekko):  bij het horen van deze hagedis in Indonesia voelde ik mij meteen verwelkomd, en herinnerde ik mij hoe sommige mensen de roep van het dier gebruiken als een ja/nee orakel.


Eleggua/Eshu/Legba (opener en bewaker van de kruiswegen) wordt ook wel geassocieerd met Sint Petrus die de sleutels tot de werelden bewaakt.


: Voor mij is dit een soort intuitief dagboek, als ik ermee begin weet ik nog niet waar het naar toe leidt. Dan kan het veel later pas blijken wat mijn onderbewuste mij te vertellen heeft.


Tijdens de Covid Lockdown in de twintiger jaren nieuw millenium, begon ik runenstenen te beschilderen, waardoor ik meer inzicht kreeg in de energie van de runen.


Trouwring van mijn vader, overleden 10 december 2009.  Mijn moeder had beide trouwringen om bij haar overlijden 26 november 2015.

yogya zilver ring: herinnering aan java, verloren vrienden.

sjamanenspiegel: Deze gebruik ik healing, scryingfengshui:


kris (javaanse rituele dolk): deze heb ik ooit ontvangen als dankgeschenk, en zal dan ook een erfstuk worden voor degenen die na mij komen.

talking stick  (Batak sjamanenstaf): deze heb ik gebruikt bij trance-rituelen, door het vasthouden van de staf maak ik verbinding tussen de drie werelden.


wayangpop Irawan: dit was de  eerste authentieke wayangpop die in mijn bezit kwam, een bijzonder krachtige aanwezigheid.

The Dreamquest of unknown Kadath: de sleutelroman die me hielp tijdens trancereizen door de werelden.

Florida water: Dit gebruik ik vaak als middel voor rituele zuiveringen, voor mij werkt dat beter dan salie branden


Kristallen schedel: Voor mij is dit een object waarmee ik connectie maak met de voorouders.

Inwijdings schilderij : De kunstenares die dit maakte, had eerst een uitgebreid gesprek met mij, waarna ze intuitief aan het werk ging. Het resultaat was een bijzonder schilderij dat me hielp bij trancereizen.

Lyke Wake Dirge:
Een toegezongen reisgids door de benedenwereld, een korte Europese versie van het Dodenboek.

Magische boom:
Bij visualisaties helpt deze mij tijdens trancereizen naar de andere werkelijkheid

Chinees Taiji zwaard: Deze gebruik ik wel eens in rituelen: ruimtes afbakenen, energiekoorden doorsnijden, energie richten.  Voor mij werkt dit beter dan een athame.

Inanna in de onderwereld :

De shamanistische reis door de benedenwereld is een thema dat me regelmatig bezig houdt, voornamelijk om onderbewuste emoties onder ogen te kunnen zien: angst, woede, verdriet.

De Engelen blijven me bezighouden, soms als beschermer, en op andere momenten als psychopomp.

Doorbreekt barrieres en bewaakt de poort.

Heren op middelbare leeftijd filosoferen over de (Platonische) Liefde onder genot van wijn …was Aristophanes de comediant wel serieus met zijn tweelingziel verhaal?


Weer een mythisch verhaal van Plato over een paradijs dat door hubris ten val kwam..
Het beeld van de opkomende zondvloed die de tempel van Poseidon verwoest, blijft me ontroeren.
